Where I want to go when I am older!! `\_-o-_/`

Hey peeps,

Today I am going to talk about where I want to go when I am older. I chose this topic because I really like to travel.

The first place that I really want to visit in California. I really want to go there because I want to see how different it is from where I am. But I really want to go in December because I want to see snow. I have only seen snow once when I little and it is really hard to remember. I want to make some good memories with my family. I think that I really want to visit Los Angeles and Disney Land the most.

 Picture of California

The second place that I want to visit is the Grand Teton, National Park. I chose this place because I really love to take pictures of beautiful views and I thought this was the best place to take pictures and also take a hike. Also, I could really adore all the nature that’s in the national park. I want to go rafting for the first time there too!

 Picture of Grand Teton National Park

The third place that I want to visit is New York City. I chose this place because I enjoy watching Broadway and also shopping at the cute stores. I also like the one dollar pizza for when I only have a few dollars in my pocket. I also could go explore time square more.

 Picture of New York City

I hoped you guys enjoyed reading today’s blog!!

See you guys later,




4 thoughts on “Where I want to go when I am older!! `\_-o-_/`

    1. Hey bloggy bear,
      Thank you for commenting on my post. What do you like to do in Canada? In Hawaii, I like to look at the scenery at night or in the morning because of the sunset and the colors. If you ever get to visit Hawaii, I recommend going to the beaches. They are really pretty. Thank you again for posting on my blog.


  1. Hi hmskally
    I have gone to Disney Land once before and it was really fun!
    Also where I live we only get snow about once a year we had 3 snow days this year!
    Jellybean Wizard

    1. Hi Jellybean Wizard,
      Thank you for commenting on my post. What is your favorite ride in Disney Land? In Hawaii, I enjoy going to Aulani. I think that is the best place for me to visit because it is a water park. If you ever want to visit Hawaii, I think that you might like going to the beach because of the pretty scenery. Thank you again for commenting on my blog!


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